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Report generated on 2024-04-20, 08:40:32 UTC

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Using AI techniques, our recent observations of seismic activity in the South America Region have revealed a high probability of significant earthquakes to occur in certain areas in the near future. In particular, TARAPACA, CHILE, ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE, ACRE, BRAZIL, NORTHERN PERU, CENTRAL PERU, BIO-BIO, CHILE, LA PAZ, BOLIVIA have shown signs of increased seismic activity.

Events considered as possible precursors for future events in the South America Region:
UTC Time Latitude Longitude Depth Magnitude Region
2024-03-24T19:50:11.45Z-19.4525-70.029977.1 km Mb 5.1TARAPACA, CHILE TARAPACA, CHILE
2024-03-27T05:08:28.64Z-23.5677-68.11126 km Mb 5.2ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
2024-03-27T14:16:14.32Z-8.7544-72.878810 km Mb 5.0ACRE, BRAZIL ACRE, BRAZIL
2024-03-28T04:05:15.8Z-7.9181-74.4256146.2 km Mw 5.2NORTHERN PERU NORTHERN PERU
2024-04-03T03:32:24.45Z-10.3506-75.478110 km Mb 5.0CENTRAL PERU CENTRAL PERU
2024-04-03T13:51:57.17Z-36.9431-72.832734.5 km Mw 5.2BIO-BIO, CHILE BIO-BIO, CHILE
2024-04-04T00:28:15.86Z-24.4553-69.419484 km Mb 5.1ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
2024-04-10T15:33:43.82Z-17.2277-68.5004206.2 km Mw 5.0LA PAZ, BOLIVIA LA PAZ, BOLIVIA
(8 possible precursors found)



It has been 9 day(s), 17 hour(s), 6 minute(s) and 49 second(s) since the last possible considered precursor earthquake in the LA PAZ, BOLIVIA (South America Region), with a magnitude of MW 5.0 at a depth of 206.2 km, and origin time 2024-04-10T15:33:43.82Z (UTC).

Currently, our AI models have identified 8 possible precursors, in the interval between 2024-03-24T19:50:11.45Z and 2024-04-10T15:33:43.82Z (a timeframe of 16 day(s), 19 hour(s), 43 minute(s) and 32 second(s) interval), that could trigger a significant event in the South America Region in the near future.

Despite the passage of time since this event, the seismic threat in the South America Region is still considered to be high. This highlights the importance of ongoing monitoring and analysis to better understand the patterns and behaviors of earthquakes in the region.

In conclusion, South America Region continues to be closely monitored for seismic activity in light of this latest possible considered precursor. The results of this monitoring and analysis will play a crucial role in improving our ability to predict and respond to earthquakes in the region.


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